Surmounters of Texas, Inc.
A 501(c)3  Texas Non-Profit Corporation
Equine Therapy

Horse Supported Counseling, Learning, and Growth.
( aka, EAP, EAC, EAT
, HAT, EFP )

The Gypsy Horses of A Wizards Spell Ranch in Burleson, Texas
have an exceptionally astute, sensitive, calm, smart, and loving nature.
Because of this they provide immediate feedback.
If you are a member of our military suffering from PTSD, TBI, MST, stress/anxiety, family issues,
stressed, unhappy, angry, feeling grief or lack of self-esteem,
having personal or family issues, or work life issues, the horses will provide you an opportunity
 to develop insight into your particular challenge and take control of it.
Due to their ability to act a a biofeedback machine, you cannot fool a horse.

Join other veterans, spouses, and their families
along with an Equine Specialist, Counselor, or peer-to-peer support group and of course,
the Gypsy Horses to see if there can be a difference in your life.

Donations - How to Help Our Veterans

Our program's great success means lots of new veterans constantly finding us.
That is the great news.......
The other news is...we need some financial assistance
from the community and individuals
to keep up with the pace.

As fabulous as our program is, and it is, per unsolicited testimonials from our veterans,
( See far below )
.......there is so much more we can do.

Its only money.    ( Or product ).     Isn't that what its always about.

We have ongoing needs and they seem to come in faster than the cash flow comes in.

Some of our immediate expenses we need help with are as follows:

1.  The equine therapy liability insurance is due again shortly.
The cost is based on how many participate.
We could help so many more if we had more $$.

2.  Several areas of fencing need to be replaced before the babies come in April.
( Or get us the fencing panels and we can put it up ourselves. )

3.  Oh the pain......being close to town so easy access for veterans
 means we are without tons of grassy pastures which means we feed a lot of hay.
( Annual hay/grain bill is approx. $40,000 )
Month after month after month after month = $$$$$$$$$

4.  We have hired two senior experienced "driving trainers' to remind
Lance and Trevor ( our two geldings ) about driving. 
They forgot some of it as we got busy with other things.
The veterans love driving and we love safety.

5.  The insurance and property taxes are due on the "guest house"
 which is 100% dedicated for our veteran meetings.
( And the utilities monthly too ).

6.  We want to expand our veteran services but we need to make some
remodeling changes to the restroom in the barn.  It isn't ADA.

7. Five babies are due beginning May.
Ca-ching veterinary bills
We also use a birthing monitoring device
that uses one-time-use monitors.
We need to order more soon.

Well, that's just an overview of the basic needs for RIGHT NOW.
We want to maintain and grow this program.

We are a 501(c)3 non-profit
 so likely any donation you would make would be tax deductible.
Ask your accountant.
We will provide you a receipt of course.

A decent number of small donations adds up quickly.
So please don't hesitate to make a donation that is a smaller amount.

ALL donations are safely handled through PayPal buttons below

 ......which can also accept your credit cards.

Donate $25   Donate $50    Donate $100   Donate $500
Donate Your Own Amount

If you donate $1,000 to our program you can adopt and name
one of the 2016 new Gypsy Horse babies arriving in May.
And you can come visit the baby any time you want.  Call first... ha ha.
That's a legacy that lasts. 
Name the foal after your business, or get a group of friends together and name it.
Donate $1000 & Adopt & Name a 2016 Foal

Testimonials from a few veterans who are a part of our program :

Thank you for the very special day for my family and I, it has been the first time since being home from IRAQ that my mind was clear, I didn't want to kill everyone around me, and I didn't feel anxiety, fear or on edge . Thank you again and God bless you all, Linda Brown and Linda Ford Sincerely, Ja **** USAF
"I am a firm believer that every veteran with PTSD should be afforded the opportunity to go out to A Wizards Spell Ranch and experience the life changing effects of the Gypsy Horses.  I have witnessed firsthand several veterans changing.  One veteran has gone from withdrawn and quiet to talkative and engaging.  Another veteran has hope.  And yet another veteran now engages in activities instead of simply watching from far away."

Margaret ******, E-7 U.S.   Army Woman Veteran

I can't say enough about the Wizards Spell Ranch and all of the  support from Linda Brown, the counselors, and all the volunteers that help.  There is a peace and calmness that is indescribable that comes over me every time I come out to the ranch and interact with the horses, especially the babies.  I can honestly say that Linda and her Gypsy Horses have saved my life twice.

Through Linda's equine therapy program, I am learning how to deal with my PTS and anxiety.

Maggie ************, Female Army Veteran
A note from a wife of a 23 year veteran regarding our program :

"When you help someone dealing with the mental/physical issues they face and you get them to "love" life are a Hero!!"

Thank you for everything you've done, without you're friendship and support
 I wouldn't be able to carry much less accept it.

I have a friend whose son is in a bad way and could use your/our help. His mother will make contact with you ( *********) about her son ( *******,) I will volunteer to help anytime I'm not vacationing in a hospital.   Thank you Linda, between You and the Ranch (Gypsies) I would have checked out already instead y'all gave me the courage, will and fight to stay.

Mel**  ******, Active USAF



Now Civilians, Businesses, Individuals......Please help us continue providing
for those who gave so much to us.